Episode 121 – Jennifer Marx (PassPorter Guidebooks), Part 2

Jennifer MarxIn this episode, we continue a conversation with Jennifer Marx, the founder & creator of the PassPorter guidebooks. In part 1, she told us about how she became interested in Disney, how the PassPorter guidebooks came to be, what’s changed over the years, some of her biggest challenges, and more.

In this episode, Jennifer talks about…

  • Adapting to changing technology
  • The PassPorter newsletter
  • World of Color viewing tips
  • The future of PassPorter as she sees it now
  • Questions she often gets about the Disney Dining Plan
  • Some of her favorite things at or about WDW that might surprise people
  • Attempts to organize her many thousands of photos
  • What she would do if she could have any job working for the Walt Disney Company
  • What she never gets asked that she wishes people would ask her
  • What inspires her
  • Her advice to you for following your own dream
  • Shameless Plug Time!


Find Jennifer:


Podcasts Spotlighted in this Episode:

Details about the Listeners, Fans, & Friends cruise can be found in episode 119 of Stories of the Magic. Or email cruise@storiesofthemagic.com!

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If you call in, don’t worry about having to sound perfect. If you ask me to, I’ll edit out any mistakes so you sound as good as you possibly can. You’re even welcome to start your entire story over again and I’ll use the “take” you want! If you want to submit a story anonymously, for whatever reason you may have, email it to me and tell you me you wanted it shared that way. I’ll read it on the podcast, but keep your name private.

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Music and voiceovers provided by Rick Moyer.

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