Episode 014 – Dean Gaschler, Part 1

 Dean Gaschler

Stories of the Magic, Episode 14


Interview Guest: Dean Gaschler


Sponsored by Leaving Conformity Coaching.


I’ve mentioned Debbie Roberston’s blog, Making Magic and Memories, in some previous episodes. Well, it’s thanks to her that I was able to connect with this week’s guest, Dean Gaschler. Dean worked for the Disney Company at Walt Disney World for 21 years, the whole time on Main Street U.S.A., and he held 2 pretty unique positions during that time, a barber at the Harmony Barber Shop and the Grand Marshal Coordinator for the afternoon parade.


In this episode, part 1 of the interview, we’ll be talking about how he got started with Disney and why, and about those two positions. You’ll hear about some different awards Cast Members can receive and what to look for so you can congratulate them. And of course we’ll hear about some great guest stories. I’ll warn you in advance, though, you’d better have a box of tissues near by. Dean’s love for Disney, and his love for people, is obvious, and it will touch you.


Dean talks about:

  • How he got started working for Disney–and what job he turned down;
  • Going from the Harmony Barber Shop to Grand Marshal Coordinator;
  • What he looked for when selecting Guests to be parade Grand Marshals;
  • Why he loved working for Disney;
  • How he’s known around his hometown;
  • The change that takes place when you put on a Disney name tag;
  • Hosting Roy Disney Jr.;
  • Awards given to Cast Members–Spirit of Disney, Partners in Excellence, and Legacy Award–and how to recognize them;
  • One of his most amazing and fondest memories;
  • What he loved most about what he did;
  • A couple of special memories of Grand Marshal families–including one very special Wish family;
  • Give Kids the World–please consider volunteering there (the link to the Volunteer page is here)!
  • A special retirement gift he received from the Dapper Dans.


Find Dean:

The post the Listener Feedback audio came from can be found here.

Podcasts Spotlighted in this Episode:


I want to hear from you, so please email me, leave a comment below, or call the Listener Feedback line at (734) 23-STORY.


If you call in, don’t worry about having to sound perfect. If you ask me to, I’ll edit out any mistakes so you sound as good as you possibly can. You’re even welcome to start your entire story over again and I’ll use the “take” you want!

If you want to submit a story anonymously, for whatever reason you may have, email it to me and tell you me you wanted it shared that way. I’ll read it on the podcast, but keep your name private.


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Music and voiceovers provided by Rick Moyer.

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